If you have any trouble starting your system after installing the card, the card may not be properly seated in the slot. Remove and re- insert it or try a different slot.
If you are unable to communicate with the card using your software and hardware devices:
1.Check your pinouts. Computer RS-232 ports are always configured as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) devices. Some devices (such as printers, video recorders/editors, cameras) are also configured as DTE. When two similar DTE devices are interconnected, a "NULL MODEM" cable is needed (refer to Appendix B, Table 2, for cabling). A "serial printer cable" is usually wired as a null modem cable.
2.Some RS-232 connections use only Receive and Transmit (plus signal common/ground). Sometimes the device "loops back" the CTS/RTS line pair and the DTR/DSR line pair, but other times, the loopback must be done within your connection cable/connector. Refer to the hardware manual for the device connected.
3.Use the COMTest program provided on the PCI/USB COM Port Utility Disk with a loop back to check the card. A loopback connection for RS-232 connects the Transmit output to the Receive input (pins #2 & #3 on the DB9M connector).
4.Try another software package for troubleshooting.
5.Check our website for available FAQ's or troubleshooting hints.
6.Call B&B Electronics Technical Support for troubleshooting assistance.
USA Office
Technicians are available at (815) 433-5100 to answer your questions from 8 AM - 5 PM weekdays (Central Time).
European Office
Technicians are available at +353 91-792444 to answer your questions from 8:30 AM – 5 PM weekdays (GMT Time).
Documentation Number 232PCIXX4502 Manual | 29 |
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