9. Starting up the ACSAR
• StartingUptheACSAR
• Powering Down the ACSAR
9.1 Starting Up the ACSAR
Startingup the ACSAR, after its own power switch button (1) has been pressed, can be performed by:
Startingup the ACSAR
• Pressingthe selection wheel on the ACSAR (2) in the standby mode (Item POWER is pointed in the graphical display).
• Pressing STBY buttonon the Remote Control (3).
• PressingPOWER in the ACSAR m enu (4),displayed o n thetouch pane lwhe n consecutivelyHO ME and ACSAR touch button
have been touched.
TheACSAR always starts up on the last selected source, whose file be displayed in the graphical display.
SOURCE 6 [H:15 kHz V:50 Hz]
Graphical Display
9.2 Powering Down the ACSAR
Intro Powering Down
Poweringdown the ACSA R means switching the unitfrom operation mode into standby mode. Toreduce power dissipation, if the
unitstays unused for a period and quick restart is required, the unit can be switched into the Economic mode.
Switchingthe unit into the standby mode can beperformed as follows (image 9-1):
• Rotatethe selection wheel (2) until item STBY appears in the graphical display and press selection wheel (2) to confirm.
• Pressthe STBY button on the Remote Control for a few seconds (3).
• PressP OWER in the ACSAR menu (4) on the touch panel.
• Fromthe Standby mode menu, rotate the selection wheel (2) until item ECONOMIC appears in the graphical display and press
selection wheel (2) to confirm.
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