WebLogic Integration
As a JCA and
Integrating SAP events and services with WebLogic Integration.
WebLogic Integration
WebLogic Integration is a single solution that delivers application server, application integration, business process management, and B2B integration for the enterprise. With its comprehensive business process management capabilities, WebLogic Integration provides a powerful J2EE, EJB, and
SAP R/3 is probably the most widely used packaged application that must be accessible from WebLogic Integration for companies to successfully complete their integration projects. The BEA WebLogic Adapter for SAP allows an organization to fully integrate its SAP R/3, mySAP.com, SAP Markets, or SAP Portals application systems with virtually any other legacy system, DBMS, EDI, B2B, ERP, CRM, or SCM application on any platform.
BEA WebLogic Adapter for SAP User Guide |