Belkin Power Management Software
Detailed Description of Each Option :
[d] System Shutdown Delay Time When AC Power
This is the
allotted time for
users to save files and logout before the system shutdown
when utility failure occurs. Belkin Power Management
Software for Unix will send periodic alerts to users to
inform them about the impending system shutdown every
minute based on this setting. When countdown ends, the
system will be shut down. Maximum value is 24 hours;
minimum value should not less than the battery low delay
[b] System Shutdown Delay Time When Battery Low:
This is the delay time when a battery low condition occurs
during power failure countdown. This is usually shorter
than the utility failure delay time since the UPS battery is
almost depleted. Minimum value is 1 minute; maximum
value should not be greater than the delay time when AC
power fails.
[u] UPS Turn Off Delay Time:
This is delay time before the UPS stops providing output
power. It has to be long enough to make sure the Unix
system can be shut down completely. The turn off
command is issued to the UPS at the same time when
system begins the shutdown process. This delay time can
be: 0.2, 0.3, … 0.9, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, …10.0 minutes.