Belkin Power Management Software
4.10. System Parameters
System COM Port Shutdown
Command Start up file
Linux /dev/ttyS0 /sbin/halt /etc/rc.d/rc.local
FreeBSD /dev/ttyd0 Shutdown -h now /etc/rc
4.11. Belkin Power Management Software FAQ
Q1 Belkin Power Management Software for Unix works fine
when manually activated but an error message "UPS
adapter no response!" appears when the system
activates it at start-up.
Make sure no other process uses the same serial port as
Belkin Power Management Software for Unix daemon.
Q2. I tried running the Belkin Power Management Software
for Unix on FreeBSD Unix system, but it doesn't work,
Belkin Power Management Software for Unix uses Unix
IPC (Inter Process Communication) functions. FreeBSD
does support System V IPC primitives, but you must
install this option first. Add the following lines to your
kernel config to enable Inter Process Communication.
options SYSVSHM
options "SHMMAXPGS=64" # 256Kb of sharable
options SYSVSEM # enable for semaphores
options SYSVMSG # enable for messaging
Recompile and install.
Please refer to FreeBSD WebSite for detailed
information about these subjects.