2. Water and/or Oil in Supply or

A. Desiccant requires replacement


Replace desiccant cartridge.

Service Reservoir.

- excessive contaminants in




desiccant cartridge assembly.








B. Improper discharge line length or


Refer to section entitled Connecting the Air Lines as well as


improper line material. Maximum


Appendix A, Table A columns 1 & 2 then check line size and


air dryer inlet temperature is











C. Air system charged from outside

C. If system must have outside air fill provision, outside air should


air source (outside air not passing


pass through the air dryer. This practice should be minimized.


through air dryer)




D. Air dryer not purging (see


See Symptom #5.


Symptom #5).




E. Purge (air exhaust) time insufficient


Check causes and remedies for Symptom #1.


due to excessive system leakage




(see causes for Symptom #1).








F. Excessive air usage, duty cycle


See Appendix A, Table A, column 1, for recommended


too high - Air dryer not compatible


compressor sizes. If the compressor is “too small” for the


with vehicle air system requirement


vehicle vocation (for example, where a vehicle’s vocation has


(Improper air dryer/vehicle


changed or service conditions exceed the original vehicle or




engine OE spec’s) then upgrade the compressor. Note: The


NOTE: Duty Cycle is the ratio of


costs incurred (e.g. installing a larger capacity compressor,


time the compressor spends building


etc.) are not covered under original compressor warranty.


air to total engine running time. Air


Charge Cycle Time - Bendix® AD-9®and AD-9®IPC air dryers


compressors are designed to build air


are designed to provide clean, dry air for the brake system.


(run “loaded”) up to 25% of the time.


When a vehicle’s air system is used to operate non-brake air


Higher duty cycles cause conditions


accessories it is necessary to determine that; during normal,


that affect air brake charging system


daily operation the compressor should recover from governor


performance which may require


“cut-in” to governor “cut-out” (usually 100 psi to 120 psi) in


additional maintenance. Factors


90 seconds or less at engine RPM’s commensurate with the


that add to the duty cycle are: air


vehicle vocation. If the recovery time consistently exceeds


suspension, additional air accessories,


this limit, it may be necessary to “bypass” the air accessory


use of an undersized compressor,


responsible for the high air usage. An example of where a


frequent stops, excessive leakage from


by-pass system would be required is when the compressor


fittings, connections, lines, chambers or


is used to pressurize a tank trailer for purposes of off-loading


valves, etc.


product. Consult your local authorized Bendix parts outlet or




sales representative for additional information.






Page 22
Image 22
BENDIX SD-08-2412 manual Bendix AD-9AND AD-9IPC AIR Dryer Troubleshooting Chart