Billion 800VGT Router
Localcheap.com is the default VoIP provider I set on phone port 1. When I dial any number starting with 1 or 2 or 3 , , 03 is always prepended in front of these number. If 23295 is dialled,
2)Phone 1: For International calls: I use longdischeap.com who charge $0.05 per minute for all International long distance calls. I set a dial rule, 0[2456]x.T<@Long_dist_Cheap>, on my phone port 1.
Longislcheap.com is one of the VoIP providers I set in the
3)Phone 2: For Mobile calls, I use mobilecheap.com who charge $0.25 per minute for all local mobile calls. I set a dial rule, <123:09>39x.T, on my phone port 2.