Billion 800VGT Router
ARP Table
This section displays the router’s ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Table, which shows the mapping of Internet (IP) addresses to Ethernet (MAC) addresses. This is useful as a quick way of determining the MAC address of the network interface of your PCs when you wish to use with the router’s Firewall – MAC Address Filter function. See the Firewall section of this manual for more information on this feature.
IP Address: A list of IP addresses of devices on your LAN (Local Area Network).
MAC Address: The MAC (Media Access Control) addresses for each device on your LAN.
Interface: The interface name (on the router) that this IP Address connects to.
Static: Static status of the ARP table entry:
“no” for
“yes” for static ARP table entries added by the user.
Wireless Association Table
IP Address: It is IP address of wireless clients that join this network.
MAC: The MAC address of wireless client.
Routing Table
Routing Table
Valid: It indicates a successful routing status.
Destination: The IP address of the destination network.
Netmask: The destination IP networks’ Netmask.
Gateway/Interface: The IP address of the gateway, or existing interface, that this route will use.
Cost: The number of hops counted as the cost of the route.
Chapter 4: Configuration