Billion 800VGT Router
Check Email
This function allows you to have the router check your POP3 mailbox for new Email messages. You may view the status of this function using the Status – Email Checking section of the web interface, which also provides details on the number of new messages waiting. See the Status section of this manual for more information.
Check Email:
Disable: Select this option to disable the router’s Email checking function.
Enable: Select this option to enable the routers Email checking function. The following fields will be activated and must be filled in:
Account Name: Enter the name (login) of the POP3 account you wish to check. Normally, it is the text in your email address before the "@" symbol. If you have trouble with it, please contact your ISP.
Password: Enter the account’s password.
POP3 Mail Server: Enter your (POP) mail server name. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or network administrator will be able to supply you with this.
Period: Enter the value in minutes between periodic mail checks.