Billion BiPAC SHDSL/SHDSL.bis (VPN) Firewall Bridge/ Router
RFC 1483 Routed Connections
•VPI and VCI: Enter the information provided by your ISP.
•ATM Class: The Quality of Service for ATM layer.
•NAT: The NAT (Network Address Translation) feature allows multiple users to access the Internet through a single IP account by sharing the single IP address. If users on your LAN have their own public IP addresses for accessing Internet directly, the NAT function can be disabled.
•Encapsulation method: Select the encapsulation format, the default is LLC Bridged. Select the one provided by your ISP.
•IP Assignment
oObtain an IP address automatically via DHCP client: specify if the Router can get an IP address from the ISP (Internet Service Provider) automatically.
oUse the following IP Address: Specify the IP address manually; the IP should be