Video enhancements

You can now play back video in HD (720 x 1280) format.
You can now record and play back videos in full screen size in either landscape or portrait view.

Picture enhancements

When you rotate JPEG and PNG pictures, the pictures are saved automatically in the rotated view.
Sort pictures from either newest to oldest, or oldest to newest. This lets you see a slide show in the order that pictures were
You can now view pictures in a slide show using transitions such a sliding, zooming, and panning. For more information,
see Change your slide show options.
About switching BlackBerry smartphones
When you switch to a new BlackBerry smartphone your data and settings, such as supported email messages, organizer
data, and compatible third-party applications, can be transferred to your new smartphone.
The backup and restore process can be done using a media card or the BlackBerry Device Software. Both options are
available from the Device Switch option in the Setup application.
A Switch Smartphones user guide is available at
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be available.
Related information
Visit the Setup application, 15
About BlackBerry ID
A BlackBerry ID gives you convenient access to multiple BlackBerry products and services. After you create a BlackBerry
ID, you can use your BlackBerry ID email address and password to log in to any BlackBerry product that supports
BlackBerry ID. With BlackBerry ID, you can manage apps that you downloaded from the BlackBerry App World storefront
and keep apps you downloaded when you switch smartphones.
You are prompted to log in using your BlackBerry ID when you set up a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet or a BlackBerry
smartphone running BlackBerry 7. If you previously created a BlackBerry ID, you must use it when you set up your new
tablet or smartphone (instead of creating a new BlackBerry ID). You can log in to both a tablet and a smartphone using the
same BlackBerry ID.
If you're using an older BlackBerry smartphone, you might be able to create a BlackBerry ID from within an app that
supports BlackBerry ID, or you can create a BlackBerry ID by visiting
Related information
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