Wake up your tablet
Your tablet enters sleep mode after a certain period of time
to conserve battery power. To wake it up, swipe from one side
of the frame to the other.
Show the keyboard
Swipe in from the bottom-left frame onto the screen
Personalizing your tablet
Watch the video
There are many ways you can personalize your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet. In addition to the personalization suggestions
listed here, the Options menu provides many additional settings you can use to customize your PlayBook tablet.
Set the date and time on the home screen In the status bar, tap > Date and Time.
To set up a custom clock, on the home screen, tap the Clock
Change the keyboard type In the status bar, tap > Keyboard. Tap a keyboard type.
Set a password In the status bar, tap > Security > Password > Change
Password. Set the Enable Password switch to On. Complete
the fields.
User Guide Getting started