4.3. Command Interface
The command interface is a new addition to version 4 of the converter’s firmware. This interface has been developed primarily to support programming access to the configuration settings by an application such as our own configuration application, but can also offer a powerful human operated (e.g. via HyperTerminal) command driven interface in it’s own right. Additionally, the commands can be placed in a Text/script file and sent (e.g. by HyperTerminal) in one go to the converter. The <scr> command is strongly recommended for use in this scenario.
The command interface protocol is quite straightforward. Each command (see table and descriptions below) must be sent over the COM port, followed by a Carriage return. This can be done in HyperTerminal just by typing each command and hitting the Enter key.
There are up to 3 ways each command can be used.
1.On its own. This acts as a “query” command. e.g. cod<CR>
Returns the current device class
2.With an “=” and parameter(s). This acts as a “se t” command e.g. cset=9600,n,1<CR>
Sets the current settings to 9600 baud, No Parity and 1 Stop Bit
Not all commands support this function as they are query commands only
3.With a “?” which acts as a “help” command
e.g. svc?<CR>
Returns a description of the command syntax and allowable parameters
The command list summary is given below.
Command | Description | Command | Description |
Name |
| Name |
aset | Get all settings | menu | Display Menu |
btset | Get current Bluetooth settings | padd | Partner Address |
cnx | Manually connect to a found device | pair | Pair |
cod | Class Of Device | parkset | Park Settings |
cset | Communication Settings | part | Partner |
delpair | Delete the current pair | pin | PIN code |
delpart | Delete the current Partner | pnam | Partner Name |
dflt | Default settings | prox | Set the proximity mode |
disc | Discoverability | remcfg | Remote Configuration |
enc | Encryption | scr | Script Mode |
find | Manually perform an inquiry | sec | Security |
help or ? | Help | sniffset | Sniff Settings |
hsk | Handshaking | svc | Connect Using profile other than SPP |
ladd | Local device address | svr | Server or Client |
list | List the | upg | Prepare for upgrading |
lowpwr | Low Power Mode | ver | F/W app version |
lnam | Local device name | verb | Verbose |
The full command list syntax and programming examples will be given in a future edition of this manual. In the meantime, this information can be found using the help or ? command in HyperTerminal when your converter is attached to an available COM port.
Manual for | © Copyright Brainboxes Limited 2004 | Page 24 of 41 |