6Type “29 South Main St.”, then press
New Block
2: 2 9 | S o u t h M a | Length |
Undl/Frm | ||
3: _ |
| A.Format |
| Width |
7Type “Los Angeles, CA 88888”, hold
| New Block |
down Code and press | once. |
3: L o s A n g e l e s | Length | |
Undl/Frm | ||
1: _ | ||
A.Format | ||
| Width |
Now, we must enter the third block of the text: the barcode. Although there are many barcode types available, let’s use CODE 39, which can use an unrestricted number of digits. More details on the Barcode function can be found on pages 97 through 100.
To add the barcode for the part code (the third block):
8 Hold down Code and press I í once.
C O D E 3 9 | Length |
Undl/Frm | |
| A.Format |
| Width |