
Examples of poor print quality






Make ten copies of a blank, white sheet of paper. (See How to





copy on page 48.) If the problem is not solved, the drum unit may





have glue from a label stuck on the OPC drum surface. Clean the




94 mm

drum unit. (See Cleaning the drum unit in Appendix A of the







Advanced User's Guide.)




(3.71 in.)








94 mm

The drum unit may be damaged. Put in a new drum unit. (See







Replacing the drum unit on page 59.)




(3.71 in.)










White Spots on black text and


graphics at 94 mm (3.71 in.)




94 mm

(3.71 in.)

94 mm

(3.71 in.)

Black Spots at 94 mm (3.71 in.)


If you use label sheets for laser printers, the glue from the sheets may sometimes stick to the OPC drum surface. Clean the drum






unit. (See Cleaning the drum unit in Appendix A of the Advanced









User's Guide.)




Make sure that you use paper that meets our specifications. (See






Acceptable paper and other print media on page 17.)


a b c d e


Do not use paper that has clips or staples because they will


0 1 2 3 4






scratch the surface of the drum.


Black toner marks across the

If the unpacked drum unit is in direct sunlight or room light, the unit

may be damaged.




The toner cartridge may be damaged. Put in a new toner













cartridge. (See Replacing the toner cartridge on page 53.)







The drum unit may be damaged. Put in a new drum unit. (See







Replacing the drum unit on page 59.)