PHYSICAL DATA — 581A155,180 LEGEND *Evaporator coil fin material/condenser coil fin material.
†Weight of 14-in. roof curb.
**Circuit 1 uses the lower portion of condenser coil and lower portion of evaporator coils, and
Circuit 2 uses the upper portion of both coils.
††Due to belt and pulley style, moveable pulley cannot be set to 0 to 1/2 turns open.
***Rollout switch is manual reset.
†††A Liquid Propane kit is available as an accessory. Kit may be used at elevations as high as
2000 ft.
UNIT 581A 155 180
208/230 460 575 208/230 460 575
Al/Al* 1725 1800
Al/Cu* 1875 1950
Cu/Cu* 2005 2080
EconoMi$er IV 90 90
EconoMi$er2 85 85
Roof Curb† 200 200
Hot Gas Reheat Dehumidification Package —40
Quantity...Model (Ckt 1, Ckt 2) 2...ZR72KC 1...ZR94KC, 1...ZR72KC
Number of Refrigerant Circuits 22
Loading (% of full capacity) 0,53,100 0,60,100
Crankcase Heater Watts 70 70
Oil (oz) (Ckt 1, Ckt 2) 60,60 85,60
Expansion Device TXV
Operating Charge (lb)
Circuit 1** 20.7 19.5
Circuit 2 13.4 13.45
CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type
Nominal Cfm 10,500 10,500
Quantity...Diameter (in.) 3...22 3...22
Motor Hp...Rpm 1/2...1050 1/2...1050
Watts Input (Total) 1100 1100
CONDENSER COIL Cross-Hatched 3/8-in. Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced, Aluminum
Pre-Coated, or Copper Plate Fins
Rows...Fins/in. 4...15 4...15
Total Face Area (sq ft) 21.7 21.7
EVAPORATOR FAN Centrifugal Type
Quantity...Size (in.) 2...12 X 12 2...12 x 12
Type Drive Belt Belt
Nominal Cfm 5200 6000
Std Motor Hp 2.9 3.0 5
Opt Motor Hp 3.7 N/A N/A
Motor Nominal Rpm 1725 1745
Std Maximum Continuous Bhp 3.13 3.38 6.13
Opt Maximum Continuous Bhp 4.26 N/A
Motor Frame Size 56H 184T
Fan Rpm Range Low-Medium Static 895-1147 895-1147 873-1021
High Static 1040-1315 N/A 1025-1200
Motor Bearing Type Ball Ball
Maximum Allowable Rpm 1550 1550
Motor Pulley Pitch Dia. Low-Medium Static 3.1/4.1 3.1/4.1 4.9/5.9
High Static 3.7/4.7 N/A 4.9/5.9
Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) 7/87/811/8
Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Low-Medium Static 6.0 6.0 9.4
High Static 6.0 6.0 8.0
Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (in.) 13/16 13/16 17/16
Belt, Quantity...Type... Length (in.) Low-Medium Static 1...BX...45 1...BX...45 1...BX...50
High Static 1...BX...45 1...BX...45 1...BX...48
Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) 14.5-16.0 14.5-16.0 13.3-14.8
Speed Change per Full Turn of Movable
Pulley Flange (Rpm) Low-Medium Static 45 45 37
High Static 45 N/A 44
Movable Pulley Maximum
Full Turns From Closed Position 66 4††
Factory Speed 3.5 3.5 3.5
Factory Speed Setting (Rpm) Low-Medium Static 987 987 965
High Static 1155 N/A 1134
EVAPORATOR COIL Cross-Hatched 3/8-in. Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced or Copper Plate Fins, Face Split
Rows...Fins/in. 4...15 4...15
Total Face Area (sq ft) 17.5 17.5
Rollout Switch Cutout Temp (F)*** 190 190
Burner Orifice Diameter (in...drill size)
Natural Gas Std 0.1285...30/ 0.136...29 0.1285...30/ 0.136...29
Liquid Propane††† Alt 0.1065...36/0.1065...36 0.1065...36/0.1065...36
Thermostat Heat Anticipator Setting
208/230/460/575 v
Stage 1 (amps) 0.98 0.8 0.98 0.98 0.8 0.98
Stage 2 (amps) 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44
Gas Input (Btuh) Stage 1 172,000/230,000 206,000/270,000
Stage 2 225,000/300,000 275,000/360,000
Efficiency (Steady State) (%) 81 81
Temperature Rise Range 15-45/30-60 15-45/20-50
Manifold Pressure (in. wg)
Natural Gas Std 3.3 3.3
Liquid Propane††† Alt 3.3 3.3
Gas Valve Quantity 11
Gas Valve Pressure Range (Min-Max Allowable) (in. wg) 5.5-13.5 5.5-13.5
(psig) .235-.487 .235-.487
Field Gas Connection Size (in.-FPT) 3/43/4
Cutout 426
Reset (Auto.) 320
Cutout 27
Reset (Auto.) 44
Opens 30 ± 5
Closes 45 ± 5
Quantity...Size (in.) 2...20 x 25 x 1
1...20 x 20 x 1
Quantity...Size (in.) 4...20 x 20 x 2
4...16 x 20 x 2
Al — Aluminum
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
Cu —Copper
TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve