Chapter 3: Local Management
3.2.1 ATM Connection Tables Screen Fields
The following list explains each of the ATM Connection Tables screen fields.
Total Channels
This field displays the number of active PVCs and SVCs connected to the
Edit Static Entry
The Edit Static Entry section consists of the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI), Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI), and Mode fields. These fields let you add or delete VPIs and VCIs from the Connection Table. The following list describes each of the Edit Static Entry Fields:
•VPI: This field lets you add (or delete) VPIs to the Connection Table. You can assign numbers
•VCI: This field lets you add (or delete) VCIs to the Connection Table. You can assign numbers
•Mode: This field lets you select the edit mode. Select ADD to create PVCs on the Connection Table or DELETE to remove PVCs from the Connection Table.
Connection Table
The Connection Table displays the status of each PVC and SVC. The following list describes each of the Connection Table fields:
•Index: Displays the channel number of each PVC and SVC.
•VPI: Displays the VPI number of each PVC and SVC.
•VCI: Displays the VCI number of each PVC and SVC.
•Type: This field will be supported when the ATM Forum LAN Emulation is available.
•MAC ADDRESS: This field will be supported when the ATM Forum LAN Emulation is available.
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