Section 1. Preparation and Siting
Subtract declination from 360° | Add declination to 0° |
22 E | 20 W |
18 W
16 W
20 E
18 E
14 W
12 W
16 E
10 W
8 W
14 E
6 W
4 W
2 W
12 E |
| 0 | |
10 E |
| 2 E | |
| 4 E | ||
8 E | 6 E | ||
1.4.1 NSSDC CGM Service
The NSSDC CGM (Corrected Geomagnetic) Service provides an easy way of determining magnetic declination of a specific site. Since magnetic declination fluctuates with time, it should be determined each time the wind vane orientation is adjusted. It can be accessed on the world wide web at
If you know the latitude and longitude of your site, fill out Form 1as shown below for an accurate magnetic declination. If you do not know the latitude and longitude of your site, fill out Form 2 for estimate of magnetic declination. Note that longitude is expressed in 0 to 360 degrees east of the Greenwich prime meridian, and that north latitudes are positive.
Query Form 1: Latitude/Longitude
Latitude/Longitude below specified in: Geographic
Year (from 1945 to 2000): 1998
Altitude above Earth's surface (km) [from 0. to 40000.]: 0
Latitude (degrees) [from
Longitude (degrees) [from 0.00 to 360.00]: 248.15
Query Form 2: Image Map
Year (from 1945 to 2000): 1998
Altitude above Earth's surface (km) [0. - 40000.]: 0
Click on map to specify location and submit: (select area on map provided)
A table containing similar information to the following will be returned after submitting Forms 1 or 2.