Appendix H. Distance vs. Antenna Gain, Terrain, and Other Factors

Use –107 dBm for Pr, solve for Lp: Lp = 135 dB

Use the 3rd to 4th power tables: Range from ~9 (4th power) to ~22 (3rd power)


Example #2

Base has MaxRad BMOY8905 Yagi, with 50’ of LMR195 cable on a 30’ tower, also a lightening protection device with a VSWR of 1:1.75; remote also has a MaxRad BMOY8905 Yagi with 5’ of LMR195 cable on a 4’ pole. Terrain is mostly flat, with sagebrush. How far can I go?

Pt = 20 dBm

Lt = 50’ x (11.1 dB/100 ft) = 5.55 dB Gt = 9 dBd = 11.15 dBi

Lr = 5’ x (11.1 dB/100 ft) = .55 dB Gr = 9 dBd = 11.15 dBi

Need to include the loss from the surge arrestor: VSWR of 1:1.75 = .34 dB loss

Use –107 dBm for Pr, solve for Lp: Lp = 143 dB

Use the 3rd to 4th power tables: Range from ~14 (4th power) to 30+ (3rd power)


Example #3

You need to run 125’ of cable for the transmitter:

How much loss if I use LMR195 cable?

125’ x (11.1 dB/100’) = 13.9 dB

How much loss if I use LMR400 cable?

125’ x (3.9 dB/100’) = 4.9 dB

If I am using path loss from the 2nd power table, and operating fine at 8 miles with LMR195 cable, how much more range could I expect if I use LMR400 cable (assuming similar terrain)?

13.9 dB – 4.9 dB => 9 dB more link margin

Loss at 8 miles: 114 dB; could tolerate 114 + 9 dB = 123 dB loss =>>> 22 miles (14 miles more)
