Appendix I. Phone to RF400 Series

FIGURE I-1. LoggerNet Point-to-Multipoint Setup


After configuring LoggerNet or PC208W and the RF400s you are ready to set up hardware. The PS512M null-modem connectors (it’s not important which connector goes to which unit) connect via SC12 cables to the COM210 and the base RF400 CS I/O port. Connect the site phone line to COM210. Connect power to PS512M. Connect antenna to RF400. When you turn on the PS512M supply, the RF400 receives 12V power and you will see the LEDs light in their power-up sequence.

Remote RF400s normally connect to datalogger CS I/O ports via SC12 cables. Powering up the datalogger will start the RF400 operating. Install an antenna (or antenna cable and yagi or collinear) and you are ready to collect data.
