Appendix L. RF400/RF410 Average Current Drain Calculations

The base RF400/RF410’s total average current (It) can be calculated over an interval (T) as follows:

It = Is + Ih + Iq + Ir + Ii

Is = {table value}

Ih =


L (ms)


⋅ 73 mA

where L is the "long header"length


T (ms)







Iq =


20 (ms)

⋅ 73 mA










T (ms)




Ir =

[45 (ms) + 2 ms per data point]

⋅ 24 mA

(4 ms per high - res data point)






T (ms)




Ii =

5000 ms

⋅ 24 mA


(using default "time of inactivity to sleep" = 50)


T (ms)








The average current drain of a remote RF400/RF410 being collected on schedule has 4 contributors:


2)The average transmit current from data transmission – Id

3)The average receive current of data request receptions – Ir

4)The average receive current from “time of inactivity to sleep” – Ii

The remote RF400/RF410’s total average current (It) can be calculated over an interval (T) as follows:

It = Is + Id + Ir + Ii

Is = {table mA value}

Id =


[45 (ms) + 2 ms per data point]

⋅ 73 mA

(4 ms per high - res data point)




T (ms)








Ir =

20 (ms)


⋅ 24 mA




T (ms)









Ii =


5000 ms

⋅ 24 mA

(using default "time of inactivity to sleep" = 50)



T (ms)






