Appendix J. Monitor CSAT3 via RF400 Series

Procedure for installing a pair of RF400 series spread spectrum radios for monitoring a CSAT3 system at a distance. This function has traditionally been implemented by running a short haul modem cable between CSAT3 and PC.


Two RF400s (mounting bracket option available)

Two RF400 antennas (and possibly cables, see Section 4.4 for options)

Base Cable/Power Kit Item #14220 (contains 120V AC Adapter and 6 ft. PC to RF400 serial cable).

Remote station 12V Field Power Cable Item # 14291 or (if 120VAC is available), AC adapter Item # 15966

9 pin male to 9 pin male null-modem serial cable (CSI Item # 14392)

PC with HyperTerminalTM or ProcommTM for RF400 setup (if neighboring RF400s).

Spare PC COM port (COMx)


(1)Plug AC adapter into 120VAC outlet; plug barrel connector into “base” RF400 and wait 10 seconds for RF400 to initialize.

(2)Connect 6 ft. cable (from base kit) between PC COM port and base RF400 RS-232 port.

(3)Run HyperterminalTM or ProcommTM on PC and configure for

(a)Baud rate: 9600, 8-N-1

(b)Flow control: none

(c)Emulation: TTY


(e)COMx (direct connect)

Note: if using HyperterminalTM it will probably be necessary to do a Call Disconnect and then a Call Connect for new settings to take effect.

(4)Press “Program” button on RF400

The following text should be written to the terminal screen Main Menu

SW Version XX.YYY

(1)Standard Setup

(2)Advanced Setup

(3)Restore Defaults

(4)Show All Current & Default Settings

(5)Save All Parameters & Exit Setup

(9)Exit Setup without Saving Parameters Enter Choice:
