Still Images

Shoot evening scenes without using a tripod (Handheld NightScene)

zzBeautiful shots of evening scenes or portraits with evening scenery in the background, without the need to hold the camera very still (as with a tripod).

zzA single image is created by combining consecutive shots, reducing camera shake and image noise.

Still Images

Shoot under low light (Low Light)

zzShoot with minimal camera and subject shake even in low-light conditions.

Still Images


PShoot with snowy backgrounds (Snow)

zzBright, natural-colored shots of people against snowy backgrounds.

Still Images


tShoot fireworks (Fireworks)

zzVivid shots of fireworks.

Subjects appear larger in [] mode compared to other modes.

In [] mode, shots may look grainy because the ISO speed (=71) is increased to suit the shooting conditions.

Because the camera will shoot continuously in [] mode, hold it steady while shooting.

In [] mode, excessive motion blur or certain shooting conditions may prevent you from obtaining the desired results.

In [t] mode, mount the camera on a tripod or take other measures to keep it still and prevent camera shake. Additionally, you should set [IS Mode] to [Off] when using a tripod or other means to secure the camera (=82).

When you use a tripod for evening scenes, shooting in [] mode instead of [] mode will give better results (=28).

[] mode resolution is [] (2304 x 1728) and cannot be changed.

In [t] mode, although no frames are displayed when you press the shutter button halfway, optimal focus is still determined.

Before Use

Basic Guide

Advanced Guide

Camera Basics

Auto Mode / Hybrid

Auto Mode

Other Shooting


P Mode

Tv, Av, and M Mode

Playback Mode

Wi-Fi Functions

Setting Menu


