Still Images

Shooting with Servo AF

This mode helps avoid missing shots of subjects in motion, because the camera continues to focus on the subject and adjust the exposure as long as you press the shutter button halfway.

1Configure the setting.

zzPress the <n> button, choose [Servo AF] on the [4] tab, and then choose [On] (=21).


zzThe focus and exposure are maintained where the blue AF frame is displayed while you are pressing the shutter button halfway.

Focusing may not be possible in some shooting conditions.

In low-light conditions, Servo AF may not be activated (AF frames may not turn blue) when you press the shutter button halfway. In this case, the focus and exposure are set according to the specified AF frame mode.

If adequate exposure cannot be obtained, shutter speeds and aperture values are displayed in orange. Release the shutter button, and then press it halfway again.

AF lock shooting is not available.

[AF-Point Zoom] on the [4] tab is not available.

Not available when using the self-timer (=31).

Still Images

Changing the Focus Setting

You can change default camera operation of constantly focusing on subjects it is aimed at, even when the shutter button is not pressed. Instead, you can limit camera focusing to the moment you press the shutter button halfway.

zzPress the <n> button, choose [Continuous AF] on the [4] tab, and then choose [Off] (=21).


Helps avoid missing sudden photo opportunities, because the camera

constantly focuses on subjects until you press the shutter button halfway.



Conserves battery power, because the camera does not focus constantly.

Before Use

Basic Guide

Advanced Guide

Camera Basics

Auto Mode / Hybrid

Auto Mode

Other Shooting


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