Click [Yes] on the displayed screen.
If you click [No], the application is not uninstalled and you are returned to the [MEAP Application Management] page.
•If the application to uninstall is linked with another application, the confirmation message <A package exported from this application cannot be used.> may be displayed. If you uninstall such applications, you may not be able to use other applications.
•You can only uninstall applications for which a license is not installed. To uninstall an application with a different license status, disable the license file on the [License File Management] page before uninstalling the application. For more information on disabling a license file, see the manual accompanying your device.
•To disable a license file, the application must be stopped. For instructions on stopping an application, see "Stopping an Application," on p.
•Modified settings are retained after uninstallation of PullPrint Service Provider if you are using a device with Configuration service.
If the device you are using does not support Configuration service and you uninstall PullPrint Service Provider, the modified settings are discarded. Even if you reinstall PullPrint Service Provider, the default settings are applied.
•If you update an existing version without uninstalling, you can retain the previous settings for PullPrint Service Provider.