
Performing Statistical Calculations

Viewing Regression Calculation Results

To view regression calculation results, tap [Calc] on the menu bar and then tap the type of calculation results you want.

To view these calculation results:

Tap this option:

Linear regression

Linear Reg


MedMed Line

Quadratic regression

Quadratic Reg

Cubic regression

Cubic Reg

Quartic regression

Quartic Reg

Logarithmic regression

Logarithmic Reg

Exponential regression (y = a·eb·x)

Exponential Reg

Exponential regression (y = a·bx)

abExponential Reg

Power regression

Power Reg

Sinusoidal regression

Sinusoidal Reg

Logistic regression

Logistic Reg

You can also use the [DispStat] option to display the last calculated statistical results. For details about regression calculation results, see “7-5 Graphing Paired-Variable Statistical Data”.

Residual Calculation

Residual calculation calculates the distance (residual) between the regression model and an actual plotted point (y-coordinates) during regression calculations.

u ClassPad Operation


(2)Input the data you want into a list.

(3)Tap [Calc] and then [Linear Reg].

(4)On the dialog box that appears, tap the [Residual Calc] down arrow button, and then select “On” from the list that appears.

Whenever the [Residual Calc] setting is configured as described above, the ClassPad automatically assigns residual data to a system variable named “residual” when you perform a regression calculation. You can use the following procedure to view the current “residual” system variable values.