
Confidence Intervals

Definition of Terms

C-Level :

confidence level (0 <C-Level < 1)

List(1) :

list where sample 1 data is located

List(2) :

list where sample 2 data is located

Freq(1) :

frequency of sample 1 (1 or list name)

Freq(2) :

frequency of sample 2 (1 or list name)

Pooled :

On or Off

o1 :

mean of sample 1 data

x1σn-1 :

standard deviation of sample 1 (x1σn-1>0)

n1 :

size of sample 1 (positive integer)

o2 :

mean of sample 2 data

x2σn-1 :

standard deviation of sample 2 (x2σn-1>0)

n2 :

size of sample 2 (positive integer)

Input Example:

Syntax 1 (list format)

TwoSampleTInt 0.95,list1,list2,1,1,Off

Syntax 2 (parameter format)

TwoSampleTInt 0.95,80.4,2.07,30,84.2,1.96,35,On

Calculation Result Output

Left : interval lower limit (left edge)

Right : interval upper limit (right edge)

df : degrees of freedom

o1 : mean of sample 1 data

o2 : mean of sample 2 data

x1σn–1 : standard deviation of sample 1

x2σn–1 : standard deviation of sample 2

xpσn–1 : pooled sample standard deviation (Displayed only when pooling is turned on.)

n1 : size of sample 1

n2 : size of sample 2