
Using the Action Menu


Function: Returns the dimension of a vector.

Syntax: dim (Mat [ ) ]

Example: To determine the dimension of the vector [1, 2, 3]

Menu Item: [Action][Vector][dim]

• The vector [1,2,3] is handled as a 1 3 matrix.


Function: Returns the cross product of two vectors.

Syntax: crossP (Mat-1, Mat-2 [ ) ]

This command can be used with a 1 N or N 1 matrix only (N = 2, 3).

A two-element matrix [a, b] or [[a], [b]] is automatically converted into a three-element matrix [a, b, 0] or [[a], [b], [0]].

Example: To obtain the cross product of the two vectors [1, 3, 5] and [2, 4, 6]

Menu Item: [Action][Vector][crossP]


Function: Returns the dot product of two vectors.

Syntax: dotP (Mat-1, Mat-2 [ ) ]

• This command can be used with a 1 N or N 1 matrix only.

Example: To obtain the dot product of the two vectors [1, 3, 5] and [2, 4, 6]

Menu Item: [Action][Vector][dotP]


Function: Returns the norm of a vector.

Syntax: norm (Mat [ ) ]

Example: To obtain the norm of the vector [1, 2, 3]

Menu Item: [Action][Vector][norm]