DSP Algorithm List
| 127) | Theinputsignalcan |
| (Range:0to | inputlevel. |
Parameters | 0: InputLevel | Adjuststhe |
■ |
| ||
HighGain(Range: | Adjuststhegain |
3: |
:AutoPan | Function |
00 | ■ |
become distorted when the level of the sound
03 3BandEQ:Continually performs
beinginput,thenumberofchords,ortheReso- nancevalueislarge.Adjustthisparameterto eliminatesuchdistortion. | Resonance(Range:0to127) |
| 1: |
| Function | Parameters | |
| ■ |
| ■ |
inputsignalinaccordancewithanLFO. | Parameters | 0: Rate(Range:0to127) Adjuststhepanningrate. | |
| ■ |
theresonanceofthesound. | (Range:0to127) |
Adjusts | Manual |
| 2: |
LowFrequency(Range:0(200Hz),1(400Hz), | 2(800Hz)) |
0: |
Depth(Range:0to127) | Adjuststhepanningdepth. |
1: |
Adjusts the frequency used as the basis for the wah filter.
Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the
LFORate(Range:0to127) | AdjuststherateoftheLFO. | LFODepth(Range:0to127) | AdjuststhedepthoftheLFO. |
3: |
| 4: |
+12) | MidFrequency(Range:0(1.0KHz),1(1.3KHz), | 2(1.6KHz),3(2.0KHz),4(3.0KHz),5(4.0KHz), | ||
1: |
| 2: |
| Function | Adjustsvolumeofinputsignalinaccordance withanLFO. | Parameters | |
■ |
| ■ |
:AutoWah |
| Function | Thisisa“wah”effectthatcanautomatically | affectthefrequencyinaccordancewiththe | leveloftheinputsignal. | Parameters | 0:InputLevel(Range:0to127) | Adjuststheinputlevel.Theinputsignalcan | becomedistortedwhenthelevelofthesound | beinginput,thenumberofchords,ortheReso- | nancevalueislarge.Adjustthisparameterto | eliminatesuchdistortion. | 1:Resonance(Range:0to127) | Adjuststheresonanceofthesound. | 2:Manual(Range:0to127) | Adjuststhefrequencyusedasthebasisforthe | wahfilter. |
05 |
| ■ |
| ■ |
6(6.0KHz),7(8.0KHz)) | equalizer. | +12) | 4:High Frequency (Range: 0 (6.0KHz), 1 | (8.0KHz),2(10KHz)) | equalizer. | +12) |
| :LFOWah | Function | Thisisa“wah”effectthatcanautomatically | affectthefrequencyinaccordancewithanLFO. | ||||||
| 04 | ■ |
0:Rate(Range:0to127) | Adjuststhetremolorate. | 1:Depth(Range:0to127) | Adjuststhetremolodepth. |
| :2BandEQ |
| Function | Parameters | 0:LowFrequency(Range:0(200Hz),1(400Hz), | 2(800Hz)) | equalizer. | 2:High Frequency (Range: 0 (6.0KHz), 1 | (8.0KHz),2(10KHz)) | ||||
| 02 |
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