General Guide
About the display
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14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 |
1.TONE/RHYTHM indicator
TONE is shown during tone selection and display, while RHYTHM is shown during rhythm selection and display.
2.Tone/Rhythm number (number area)
Number of currently selected tone or rhythm. The TONE/RHYTHM indicator shows whether the number is a tone or rhythm. This area also shows other information in other modes.
3.Chord name display
Shows chord names while Auto Accompaniment is being used.
4.Tone/Rhythm name (text area)
Name of currently selected tone or rhythm. The TONE/RHYTHM indicator shows whether the name is a tone or rhythm. This area also shows other information in other modes.
5.Octave symbol 1
One symbol indicates the note being produced by the keyboard is one octave higher than the note shown in the staff notation area 6. Two symbols indicate two octaves higher.
6.Staff notation area
Notes you play on the keyboard, notes played back from song memory, chord forms, and received MIDI data* are shown here.
7.Octave symbol 2
One symbol indicates the note being produced by the keyboard is one octave lower than the note shown in the staff notation area 6.
An indicator appears to indicate that a function (Song Memory, SMF player, Auto Harmonize, Split, Layer) is currently in use.
9.Beat number
Shows the beat number during rhythm and Auto Accompaniment play, and while the Song Memory and SMF Player are turned on.
Shows the measure number from the start of play during rhythm and Auto Accompaniment play, and while the Song Memory and SMF Player are turned on.
11.Tempo indicator
Shows the tempo as a value indicating the number of beats per minute during rhythm and Auto Accompaniment play, and while the Song Memory is turned on. This display area also shows other information in other modes.
You can turn on the metronome to provide a reference beat for your keyboard play.
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14 | 04.3.26, 0:10 PM |