Drinking and then driving is very dangerous.
Yourreflexes, perceptions, attentiveness, and
judgmentcan be affected by even a small
amountof alcohol. You can have a serious — or
evenfatal — collision if you drive after drinking.
Pleasedo not drink and drive or ride with a
driverwho has been drinking. Ride home in a
cab;or if you are with a group, designate a
driverwho will not drink.
Control of a Vehicle
You have three systems that make your vehicle go
whereyou want it to go. They are the brakes, the
steering,and the accelerator. All three systems have to
dotheir work at the places where the tires meet the road.
Sometimes, as when you are driving on snow or ice, it
is easy to ask more of those control systems than
the tires and road can provide. That means you can lose
control of your vehicle. See Traction Control System
(TCS) on page4-9 and Active Handling System
on page 4-10.