3. Lift the vehicle with the jack, making sure the jack
spans at least two of the crossmember ribs (B).
For more information, see Doing Your Own Service
Work on page5-4.
If a Tire Goes FlatYour Corvette has no spare tire, no tire changing
equipment and no place to store a tire.
It’sunusual for a tire to “blow out” while you’re driving,
especiallyif you maintain your tires properly. See Tires
onpage 5-51. If air goes out of a tire, it’s much more likely
toleak out slowly.
Yourvehicle has Extended Mobility Tires (EMT), so you
willnot need to stop on the side of the road to change a
flattire. EMT tires can operate effectively with no air
pressure.If you drive on a deflated EMT for 25 miles
(80km) or less and at speeds of 55 mph(90 km/h) or
less,there is a good chance that the tire can be repaired.
Contactthe nearest authorized Chevrolet or Goodyear
EMTservicing facility, as soon as possible, to have the
flattire inspected and repaired or replaced. For more
information,see Extended Mobility Tires on page 5-56.
Specialtools and procedures are required to
servicean Extended Mobility Tire (EMT). If these
specialtools and procedures are not used you
orothers could be injured and your vehicle
couldbe damaged. Always be sure the proper
toolsand procedures, as described in the
servicemanual, are used.
To order a service manual, see Service Publications
Ordering Information on page7-11.