With RAP, your power windows and the audio system
will continue to work for up to 10minutes after the
engine is turned off or until either door is opened. If a
door is opened, the power windows and audio system
will shut off.
Starting Your EngineMove your shift lever to PARK(P) or NEUTRAL (N) for
an automatic transmission, or your vehicle can be
started in NEUTRAL(N) or any other gear as long as
the clutch is depressed for a manual transmission.
To restart when you are already moving, use
NEUTRAL(N) only.
The keyless access transmitter must be in the vehicle
for the ignition to work.
Notice: Do not try to shift to PARK (P) if your
vehicle is moving. If you do, you could damage the
transmission. Shift to PARK (P) only when your
vehicle is stopped.
1. For an automatic transmission, with your foot on the
brake pedal, press the START button. For a manual
transmission, while pressing in the clutch, press
the START button. When the engine begins
cranking, let go of the button. The idle speed will go
down as your engine gets warm.
If the battery in the keyless access transmitter is
weak, the DIC will display FOB BATTERY
LOW. You can still drive the vehicle. See “Battery
Replacement” under Keyless Access System
Operation on page2-5 for more information.
2. If the engine does not start and no DIC message is
displayed, wait 15seconds before trying again.
Notice: Your engine is designed to work with the
electronics in your vehicle. If you add electrical
parts or accessories, you could change the way the
engine operates. Before adding electrical equipment,
check with your dealer. If you do not, your engine
might not perform properly.