Chapter 4 Network Configuration
Network Device Searches
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Tip When you leave the Search for Network Devices page, Cisco Secure ACS
retains your search criteria and results for the duration of the current
administrative session. Until you log out of Cisco Secure ACS, you can
return to the Search for Network Devices page to view your most recent
search criteria and results.
Step 3 Set the criteria for a device search. For information about search criteria, see
Network Device Search Criteria, page 4-8.
Tip To reset the search criteria to default settings, click Clear.
Step 4 Click Search.
A table lists each network device configured in Cisco Secure ACS that matches
the search criteria you specified. If Cisco Secure ACS did not find a matching
network device, the message “No Search Results” appears.
The table listing matching network devices includes the device name, IP address,
and type. If you have enabled Network Device Groups on the Advanced Options
page in the Interface Configuration Section, the table also includes the NDG of
each matching network device.
Tip You can sort the table rows by whichever column you like, in either
ascending or descending order. Click a column title once to sort the rows
by the entries in that column in ascending order. Click the column a
second time to sort the rows by the entries in that column in descending
Step 5 If you want to view the configuration settings for a network device found by the
search, click the network device name in the Name column of the table of
matching network devices.
Cisco Secure ACS displays the applicable setup page. For information about the
AAA Client Setup page, see AAA Client Configuration Options, page 4-11. For
information about the AAA Server Setup page, see AAA Server Configuration
Options, page 4-22.