User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Network Admission Control
network configuration 4-1
network device groups
adding 4-29
assigning AAA clients to 4-30
assigning AAA servers to 4-30
configuring 4-28
deleting 4-32
enabling in interface 3-6
overview 1-24
reassigning AAA clients to 4-31
reassigning AAA servers to 4-31
renaming 4-32
network devices
See AAA clients
searches for 4-8
network requirements 2-4
latency 2-19
reliability 2-19
network topologies
deployment 2-6
wireless 2-9
notifications G-7
Novell NDS user databases
authentication 13-50
configuring 13-53
mapping database groups to AAA
groups 16-4
Novell Requestor 13-50
options 13-52
supported protocols 1-10
supported versions 13-50
user contexts 13-51


ODBC features
accountActions table 9-32
CHAP 13-60
EAP-TLS 13-60
overview 13-55
PAP 13-60
preparation process 13-59
process with external user database 13-58
result codes 13-69
case-sensitive passwords 13-61
CHAP authentication sample
procedure 13-63
configuring 13-71
data source names 11-22, 13-56
DSN (data source name) configuration 13-70
EAP-TLS authentication sample
procedure 13-64
features supported 13-57
group mappings 16-2
group specifications
CHAP 13-67