Chapter 7 User Management
Advanced User Authentication Settings
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Configuring TACACS+ Settings for a User
You can use this procedure to configure TACACS+ settings at the user level for
the following service/protocols:
•PPP Multilink
•PPP Apple Talk
•Shell (exec)
•PIX Shell (pixShell)
You can also enable any new TACACS+ services that you may have configured.
Because having all service/protocol settings display within the User Setup section
would be cumbersome, you choose what settings to hide or display at the user
level when you configure the interface. For more information about setting up new
or existing TACACS+ services in the Cisco Secure ACS HTML interface, see
Protocol Configuration Options for TACACS+, page 3-7.
If you have configured Cisco Secure ACS to interact with a Cisco
device-management application, new TACACS+ services may appear
automatically, as needed to support the device-management application. For more
information about Cisco Secure ACS interaction with device-management
applications, see Support for Cisco Device-Management Applications, page 1-19.
For more information about attributes, see Appendix B, “TACACS+
Attribute-Value Pairs”, or your AAA client documentation. For information on
assigning an IP ACL, see Assigning a Downloadable IP ACL to a User, page 7-21.