User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Appendix F RDBMS Synchronization Import Definitions
accountActions Specification

accountActions Mandatory Fields

For all actions, the following three fields cannot be empty and must have a valid
In addition to the three required fields above, the UserName and GroupName
fields are also often required to have a valid value:
If a transaction is acting upon a user account, a valid value is required in the
UserName field.
If a transaction is acting upon a group, a valid value is required in the
GroupName field.
If a transaction is acting upon AAA client configuration, neither the
UserName field nor the GroupName field require a value.
Note The UserName and GroupName fields are mutually exclusive; only one of these
two fields can have a value and neither field is always required.
MessageNo MN Integer Used to number related transactions for
audit purposes.
ComputerNames CN String 32 RESERVED by CSDBSync.
AppId AI String 255 The type of configuration parameter to
Status S Number 32 TRI-STATE:0=not processed, 1=done,
2=failed. This should normally be set to 0.
Table F-1 accountActions Fields (continued)
Field Name Mnemonic Type
Length) Comments