Working with Call Detail Records
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CDR log display
The CDR log list shows some or all of the stored records, dep ending on the filtering and display
settings (see Call Detail Record log controls). Click on a column heading to sort by that field. Refer to
the table below to understand the fields displayed in th e CDR log list:
Field description Usage tips
# (record
The unique index number for this Call
Detail Record.
The time at which the Call Detail Record
was created.
Records are created as different
connection events occur. The time the
record was created is the time that the
event occurred.
The number of the connection to which
this record applies
Each new connection is created with a
unique numeric index. All records
pertaining to a particular connection
display the same connection number.
This can make auditing connection
events much simpler.
The type of the Call Detail Record, and
brief details, if available.
The display settings allow you to display
more extensive details for different record
The filter string allows you to select for
display only records where a particular
word or string occurs.
Further information about CDR time field
The CDR log time stamp is stored in UTC time and not local time like the Event log, but converted to
local time when displayed in the CDR log.
Changing the time and NTP’s UTC Offset (on the Settings > Time page) will affect the CDR log time
in the following ways:
Changing the time, either changing the system time or via a n NTP update will cause new CDR
logs to show the new time but no change will be made to exis ting logged CDR events
With NTP enabled, setting a UTC offset will change the disp layed time for all the CDR events;
the stored time will remain the same because it is stored in UT C and the offset is applied for
display purposes
Enabling or disabling NTP when an offset is configured will cause the display time to change
for all existing events and the UTC time will change for logging future CDR events. This is
because, when NTP is disabled, the current time is treated as UTC with an offset of 0