Upgrading and backing up the Cisco TelePresence ISDN Gateway
Cisco TelePresence ISDN Gateway 2.1 Online help (Printable format) 93 of 135
1. Check the Activated features (ISDN Gateway activation is shown i n this same list) to confirm
that the feature you require is not already activated.
2. Enter the new feature code into the Activation code fiel d exactly as you received it, including
any dashes.
3. Click Update features. The browser window should refresh and list the newl y activated
feature, showing the activation code beside it. Activatio n codes may be time-limited. If this is
the case, an expiry date will be displayed, or a warning that the feature has already expired.
Expired activation codes remain listed, but the corresp onding feature will not be activated.
If the activation code is not valid, you will be prompted to r e-enter it.
4. Cisco recommends that you record the activation code in c ase you need to re-enter it in the
Successful ISDN Gateway or feature activation has immediate effect and will persist even if the ISDN
Gateway is restarted.
Note that you can remove ISDN Gateway feature keys by clicking th e Remove link next to the feature
key in this page.