Configuring SNMP settings
Cisco TelePresence ISDN Gateway 2.1 Online help (Printable format) 67 of 135
Configured trap receivers
Field description Usage tips
Enable traps
Select this check box to enable the
ISDN Gateway to send traps.
If you do not check this box, no traps
will be sent.
failure trap
Select this check box to enable
authentication failure traps.
You cannot select this check box unless
you have selected to Enable traps
above. Authentication failure traps are
generated and sent to the trap receivers
when someone tries to read or write a
MIB value with an incorrect community
Trap receiver
addresses 1 to 4 Enter the IP address or hostname for
up to four devices that will receive both
the general and the authentication
failure traps.
The traps that are sent by the ISDN
Gateway are all SNMP v1 traps. You
can configure trap receivers or you can
view the MIB using a MIB browser. You
can set the UDP port number for the
trap in the format <IP address>: <port
number>. By default the UDP port
number is 162.
Access control
Field description Usage tips
RO community
Community string/password that gives
read-only access to all trap
Note that SNMP community strings are
not secure. They are sent in plain text
across the network.
It is advisable to change the community
strings before enabling SNMP as the
defaults are well known.
RW community
Community string/password that gives
read/write access to all trap
Trap community
Community string/password that is
sent with all traps. Some trap receivers can filter on trap