Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
QoS (continued)
configuration guidelines
aggregate policers 33-43
CBWFQ 33-53
class-based shaping 33-55
class maps 33-34
general 33-29
individual policers 33-39
input policy maps 33-38
marking 33-45
output policy maps 33-52
unconditional priority policing 33-59
WTD 33-61
aggregate policers 33-43
class-based shaping 33-55
classification with IP ACLs 33-30
class maps 33-34
individual policers 33-39
individual policing 33-39, 33-49
input policy maps with marking 33-45
IP ACLs 33-30
MAC ACLs 33-33
output policy maps 33-51
port shaping 33-56
priority queues 33-57
queue size 33-26
requirements 33-29
service policies 33-37
strict priority queuing 33-57
table maps 33-36
unconditional priority policing 33-59
WTD 33-61, 33-62
congestion avoidance 33-2, 33-26
congestion management 33-2, 33-20
QoS (continued)
CPU-generated traffic
configuring output policy classification
criteria 33-5
configuring QoS group number 33-11
configuring queue-limit 33-61
marking and queuing 33-20
output remarking 33-5
QoS groups 33-20
default configuration 33-29
initial configuration example 33-65
input policy maps
configuring 33-38
described 33-4
IP packet classification 33-5
Layer 2 packet classification 33-5
Layer 3 packet classification 33-5
marking, described 33-2
match command 33-7
output policy maps
configuring 33-53
described 33-5
overview 33-1
packet classification 33-2
packet marking 33-19
packet policing 33-2
parent-child hierarchy 33-11, 33-22
per-port, per-VLAN hierarchical policy maps
described 33-11
configuring 33-39, 33-44, 33-59
described 33-14
aggregate 33-16
described 33-2, 33-14
individual 33-15
priority 33-18