Chapter 4 Exception Codes and Module Numbers Used in Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express
Exception Codes
Table | Important Exception Codes in Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express (continued) | |||
Code | Code |
(Dec) | (Hex) | Severity | Display Text | Comments |
196848 | 0x300F0 | MINOR | Allocation of access ports to | A “too many access ports” |
| units has been fixed. Thank you! | condition (see error message |
| 0x300F1) has been resolved. |
| Recommended Action: |
| No action required. |
196849 | 0x300F1 | MINOR | Too many access ports compared | The configured number of |
| to licenses ##. | voice ports exceeds the |
| number of valid licenses, |
| where ## is the configured |
| value. This may be caused by |
| the license being temporary |
| expired. |
| Recommended Action: |
| No action required. |
196943 | 0x3014F | WARN | FLEXLM: Failed to connect to | The license manager is not |
| license server; status = ##. | running, probably because no |
| valid licenses are installed. |
| Recommended Action: |
| No action required. |
196944 | 0x30150 | MINOR | No conferencing licenses are | The system has no valid |
| installed. | licenses installed for either |
| voice or web conferencing. |
| The system defaults to six |
| voice conferencing licences. |
| Recommended Action: |
| Obtain and install licenses. |
196946 | 0x30152 | WARN | Unexpected LDAP response. | An unexpected response from |
| the LDAP server, possibly |
| indicating an incompatibility |
| between systems. |
| Recommended Action: |
| No action required. |
196950 | 0x30156 | MINOR | Password authentication | The password authentication |
| mechanism failure. | feature is not working. |
| Recommended Action: |
| Check for an LDAP |
| configuration problem or an |
| LDAP server failure. |
Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Release 1.2
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