IP Configuration
DHCP Server
Cisco Small Business 200, 300 and 500 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide (Internal Version) 293

STEP 3 Enter the fields:
VLAN IDVLAN on which packet is expected.
MAC Address—MAC address of packet.
IP Address—IP address of packet.
Interface—Unit/Slot/Interface on which packet is expected.
Type —The possible field values are:
—Entry has limited lease time.


Entry was statically configured.
Lease Time—If the entr y is dynamic, enter the amount of time that the entry
is to b e act ive i n th e DHC P Dat aba se. If th ere i s no L ease Time, chec k In fini te.)
STEP 4 Click Apply. The settings are defined, and the device is updated.
DHCP Server
The DHCPv4 Server feature enables you to configure the device as a DHCPv4
server. A DHCPv4 server is used to assign IPv4 address and other information to
another device (DHCP client)
The DHCPv4 server allocates IPv4 addresses from a user-defined pool of IPv4
These can be in the following modes:
Static Allocation—The hardware address or client identifier of a host is
manually mapped to an IP address. This is done in the Static Hosts page.
Dynamic Allocation—A client obtains a leased IP address for a specified
period of time (that can be infinite). If the DHCP client does not renew the
allocated IP Address, the IP address is revoked at the end of this period,
and the client must request another IP address. This is done in the Network
Pools page.