Chapter 6 Advanced Expressions: Parsing HTTP, TCP, and UDP Data 135
CLIENT.UDP.DNS.IS_MXREC Returns a Boolean TRUE if the record is of type
MX (mail exchanger). This DNS record describes
a priority and a host name. The MX records for the
same domain name specify the email servers in the
domain and the priority for each server.
CLIENT.UDP.DNS.IS_NSREC Returns a Boolean TRUE if the record is of type
NS. This is a name server record that includes a
host name with an associated A record. This
enables locating the domain name that is
associated with the NS record.
CLIENT.UDP.DNS.IS_PTRREC Returns a Boolean TRUE if the record is of type
PTR. This is a domain name pointer and is often
used to associate a domain name with an IPv4
CLIENT.UDP.DNS.IS_SOAREC Returns a Boolean TRUE if the record is of type
SOA. This is a start of authority record.
CLIENT.UDP.DNS.IS_SRVREC Returns a Boolean TRUE if the record is of type
SRV. This is a more general version of the MX
CLIENT.UDP.DSTPORT Returns the numeric ID of the current packet's
UDP destination port.
CLIENT.UDP.SRCPORT Returns the numeric ID of the current packet's
UDP source port.
CLIENT.UDP.RADIUS Returns RADIUS data for the current packet.
TYPE(type)Returns the value for the attribute type specified as
the argument.
CLIENT.TCP.MSS Returns the maximum segment size (MSS) for the
current connection as a number.
CLIENT.VLAN.ID Returns the numeric ID of the VLAN through
which the current packet entered the NetScaler.
SERVER.TCP.DSTPORT Returns the numeric ID of the current packet's
destination port.
SERVER.TCP.SRCPORT Returns the numeric ID of the current packet's
source port.
SERVER.VLAN Operates on the VLAN through which the current
packet entered the NetScaler.
SERVER.VLAN.ID Returns the numeric ID of the VLAN through
which the current packet entered the NetScaler.
Prefixes that Extract TCP and UDP Data
GET Operation Description