104 Citrix NetScaler Policy Configuration and Reference Guide
VALID_NOT_AFTER.HOURS Extracts the last hour that the certificate is valid and
returns that value as an integer from 0 to 23.
Returns a Boolean TRUE if the time precedes or is
equal to the time argument.
For example, if the time value is GMT 2005 May 1 10h
15m 30s, and it is the first Sunday of the month of May
in 2005, you can specify the following (evaluation
results for this example are in parentheses):
. . .le(GMT 2006) (TRUE)
. . .le(GMT 2005 Dec) (TRUE)
. . .le(LOCAL 2005 May) (TRUE or
FALSE, depending on the current time zone.)
. . .le(GMT 8h) (FALSE)
. . .le(GMT 30m) (TRUE)
. . .le(GMT May 10h) (TRUE)
. . .le(GMT Jun 11h) (TRUE)
. . .le(GMT Wed) (TRUE)
. . .le(GMT May Sun_1) (TRUE)
Returns a Boolean TRUE if the time precedes the time
For example, if the current time is GMT 2005 May 1
10h 15m 30s, and it is the first Sunday of the month,
you can specify the following:
. . .lt(GMT 2006) (TRUE)
. . .lt(GMT 2005 Dec) (TRUE)
. . .lt(LOCAL 2005 May) (TRUE or
FALSE, depending on the current time zone.)
. . .lt(GMT 8h) (FALSE)
. . .lt(GMT 30m) (TRUE)
. . .lt(GMT May 10h) (FALSE)
. . .lt(GMT Jun 11h) (TRUE)
. . .lt(GMT Wed) (TRUE)
. . .lt(GMT May Sun_1) (FALSE)
VALID_NOT_AFTER.MINUTES Extracts the last minute that the certificate is valid and
returns that value as an integer from 0 to 59.
VALID_NOT_AFTER.MONTH Extracts the last month that the certificate is valid and
returns that value as an integer from 1 (January) to 12
Calculates the number of seconds to the closest
previous or scheduled reboot and returns an integer. If
the closest boot time is in the past, the integer is
negative. If it is in the future, the integer is positive.
Operations on Certificate (client.ssl.client_cert) Dates and Times
SSL Certificate Operation Description