132 Citrix NetScaler Policy Configuration and Reference Guide
text.HTTP_URL_SAFE Converts unsafe URL characters to '%xx' values,
where “xx” is a hex-based representation of the
input character. For example, the ampersand (&) is
represented as %26 in URL-safe encoding. This is
a read-only operation.
Following are URL safe characters. All others are
Alpha-numeric characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9
Asterix: "*"
Ampersand: "&"
At-sign: "@"
Colon: ":"
Dollar: "$"
Dot: "."
Equals: "="
Exclamation mark: "!"
Hyphen: "-"
Open and close parentheses: "(", ")"
Plus: "+"
Semicolon: ";"
Single quote: "'"
Slash: "/"
Tilde: "~"
Underscore: "_"
text.MARK_SAFE Marks the text as safe without applying any type of
data transformation.
Transforms all %HH encoding in the byte stream.
This operation works with characters (not bytes).
By default, a single byte represents a character in
ASCII encoding. However, if you specify
URLENCODED mode, three bytes can represent a
In the following example, a PREFIX(3) operation
selects the first 3 characters in a target.
In the following example, the NetScaler can select
up to 9 bytes from the target:
SPACE|NO_PLUS_AS_SPACE) Specifies how to treat the plus character (+). The
PLUS_AS_SPACE option replaces a plus
character with white space. For example, the text
“hello+world” becomes “hello world.” The NO_
PLUS_AS_SPACE option leaves plus characters
as they are.
Operations That Evaluate HTML and XML Encoding
HTML or XML Operation Description