Chapter 9 Advanced Expressions: String Sets, String Patterns, and Data Formats 181

Typecasting Operations






Returns a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) that indicates


whether the time value designated by number lies within all


the ranges defined by lower and upper time value arguments


time1 and time2.

If an element of time such as the day or the hour is left



unspecified in the lower argument, time1, then it is assumed


to have the lowest value possible for its range.


If an element is left unspecified in the upper argument ,


time2, then it is assumed to have the highest value possilbe


for its range.


If the year is specified in one of the arguments, then it must


be specified in the other argument as well.


Following are the ranges for different elements of time:


month: 1-12


day: 1-31


weekday: 0-6


hour: 0-23


minutes: 0-59


seconds: 0-59.


Each element of time in the lower time value argument


defines a range in combination with the corresponding


element in the upper time value argument. For the result to


be TRUE, each element of time in the time value designated


by number must lie in the corresponding range specified by


the lower and upper arguments.


The following examples assume that the current time value


is GMT 2005 May 10 10h 15m 30s.and that the day is the


second Tuesday of the month. The result of the evaluation is


given after each example.


WITHIN(GMT 2004, GMT 2006): TRUE


WITHIN(GMT 2004 Jan, GMT 2006 Mar): FALSE (May


doesn't fall in the Jan-Mar range.)


WITHIN(GMT Feb, GMT): TRUE (May falls in the Feb-


Dec range.)


WITHIN(GMT Sun_1, GMT Sun_3): TRUE (2nd Tuesday


lies within 1st Sunday and the 3rd Sunday.)


WITHIN(GMT 2005 May 1 10h, GMT May 2005 1 17h):




WITHIN(LOCAL 2005 May 1, LOCAL May 2005 1): The


result depends on the NetScaler system's timezone.




time1 - Lower time value


time2 - Upper time value




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Citrix Systems 9.2 manual Time1 and time2