Configuration: User Preferences screen
Use the Configuration: User Preferences (see figure 3.3) screen to enable/disable automatic level control (ALC) and automatic gain control (AGC), to mute/unmute the incoming ringer, to select the incoming ringer melody, to set the time zone, and to determine if you want the time automatically adjusted for Daylight Savings.
Figure 3.3 Configuration: User Preferences screen
•Enable automatic level control: Click this check box to enable ALC or uncheck it to disable ALC. ALC (automatic level control) automatically adjusts microphone levels to ensure participants’ voices are transmitted at consistent levels regardless of whether people are speaking loudly or softly.
•Enable automatic gain control: Click this check box to enable AGC or uncheck it to disable AGC. AGC (automatic gain control) adjusts (softer and louder) input audio to a consistent level.
•Mute incoming ringer: Click this check box to mute the incoming ringer (or uncheck it to allow the ringer to ring normally).
•Incoming ringer melody: Click the
•Time zone: Click the
•Auto adjust for Daylight Saving Changes: Click this check box to have the time automatically adjusted for Daylight Savings or uncheck it if Daylight Savings time is not observed in your area.
Click the Apply button to activate any changes made to this screen.
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