When the answering machine answers an incoming call, the caller will hear your outgoing message. After a short beep they can then leave a message up to 2 minutes.
Should the caller exceed this limit, the call will be disconnected.
The memory will store approximately 14 minutes of incoming messages (including the outgoing message).
Voice Control
The answering machine will record a message up to 2 minutes. If the caller stops speaking, the answering machine will disconnect after approximately 7 seconds.
Outgoing Message
Before you use the answering machine you should record an outgoing message. The outgoing message is your message to an incoming caller and may be up to 60 seconds in length.
You may want the message to tell the caller that they may start speaking once the beep is heard.
Recording an Outgoing Message
1Press and hold REPEAT. You will hear a short beep, and the display will show rA. (Hold the REPEAT key down while recording your message)
2 Record your outgoing message (min 5 seconds). Speak clearly towards the machine from a distance of
3 Release REPEAT to stop recording.
4 The outgoing message will be repeated after a few seconds. Repeat this procedure if you want to change the message, any old outgoing message will automatically be erased when a new one is recorded.
Checking the Outgoing Message
Press REPEAT. The current outgoing message will now be played. Press ON/OFF on the answering machine, to stop playing the Out Going Message.
Use the 2\ 6 \TS switch on the bottom of the phone to select after how many rings the unit will respond to an incoming call.
•2 = calls are answered after two rings.
•6 = calls are answered after six rings.
•TS (TOLL SAVER) = activates the toll saver function.