6-2 Drives
Writer: Jennifer Hale Saved by: jabercrombie Saved date: 06/03/99 3:22 PM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch06.doc
Caring for Drives
Drives are fragile computer components that must be handled with
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the computer or drive, and loss of
information, observe the following precautions.
Back up a primary hard drive before removing it. Failure to
back up a hard drive can result in loss of information stored on
the drive.
If there is a diskette, CD, or DVD-ROM in a drive, remove it
prior to removing the drive from the computer.
Do not remove a CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive while
the media tray is open. Before removing the drive, ensure that
the tray is closed.
Turn off the computer before removing or inserting a hard
drive from the hard drive bay.
Ensure that you are discharged of static electricity before
handling a drive. Electrostatic discharge can damage
electronic components. When handling a drive, always grasp
the outer case and avoid touching the connectors. Do not use
force when inserting a drive into a bay. Excessive force may
damage the connectors. (Refer to Appendix C.)
Carefully handle a drive. DO NOT DROP IT.
Avoid exposing a hard drive to products with magnetic fields
such as video and audio tape erasure products, monitors, and
Do not spray a drive with cleaners or expose it to liquids.
Avoid exposing a drive to temperature extremes.
If a drive must be mailed, ship it in a suitable form of
protective packaging. Shipping the drive in standard packaging
may not cushion it from destructive shock, vibration,
temperature, or humidity. Place a mailing label with the
wording “Fragile: Handle With Care” on the mailer.